About the brand

I'm a Fashion Designer hailing from the Eastside of Atlanta

As an Atlanta native, I’ve always admired and embodied the rich culture of this city. This deep connection to Atlanta inspired the creation of my brand, The 404 Lab, which personifies the city’s vibrant history and culture!

The 404 Lab is more than an online retail shop—it’s a premier event host that captures the essence of modern Atlanta while blending in the nostalgic flair of the past. We offer distinctively urban products and events that reflect the culturally rich spirit of our beloved city.

Mission Statement

Atlanta’s rich cultural influences have shaped its unique customs, with Southern Hospitality at the heart of it all. At The 404 Lab, we embody this way of life, believing in being polite, kind, and helpful. Our mission is to shape the cultural fabric of Atlanta through courtesy, respect, and genuinely hospitable service in every customer interaction. We are committed to growing and delivering an unforgettable customer experience, staying true to the essence of our city.
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